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Magic Star - Rearing - G1 My Little Pony - So Soft USA Release


Magic Star was the only G1 Earth Pony who could use magic. This is her rearing-post 'so soft' release which is flocked all over with a soft fluff

Body: thick, sparkly clean flocking with no rubs or big thinned patches. Looks great
Eyes: Clean and bright
Symbols: Assume it's fine, can't see under the fluff!
Hair: soft and silky, mane appears short and the first few plugs are cut
Other: she has a hole in her foot where she used to plug onto a stand (not supplied) to holder her in the rearing pose

All My Little Ponies have been washed with soap and hot water and had their mane and tail conditioned. Any more extensive restoration or cleaning will be detailed in the notes above.

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