Welcome to Clockwork Firebird Designs! Purveyors of costumes, monsters, and more

Custom Sunlight - G3 to G1 My Little Pony - Unicorn


A G3 unicorn - Whistle Wishes - that has been customised to look like the G1 pony Sunlight.
Good as a base for a re-customisation

Body: Clean G3 base, customised
Hair: soft, re-rooted in white and yellow, very neatly done
Eyes: painted on in blue and white, these are not great
Symbol: a bit pale and lumpy on the paint, acrylic, pain hasn't bled into her plastic
Other: her hoof contains a magnet, don't put her on your laptop!

All My Little Ponies have been washed with soap and hot water and had their mane and tail conditioned. Any more extensive restoration or cleaning will be detailed in the notes above.

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