Welcome to Clockwork Firebird Designs! Purveyors of costumes, monsters, and more

Sunny Daze - Rainbow Celebration Wave 1 - G3 My Little Pony


Sunny was one of the first G3 Ponies to be released and features in several of the cartoons and one of the PC games.

Body: Bright white but she has blue and grey splatter on her forehead, and a blue mark on her left front leg. Ingrained dirt on legs
Hair: soft, slightly dry at the ends, what looks like the start of tail rust
Eyes: bright and clear
Symbol: bright and clear
Other: her hoof contains a magnet, don't put her on your laptop!

All My Little Ponies have been washed with soap and hot water and had their mane and tail conditioned. Any more extensive restoration or cleaning will be detailed in the notes above.

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